I am currently exploring expressing landscape through colour and shape, composition and space. I live in a town, my street on the edge of both great industrial heritage and the quiet countryside. As someone from The Black Country, having lived in towns and villages, I belong in the tradition of grafting with your hands, but also desire to blend into the fields, both elemental experiences, both part of me, where one begins and another ends is an unknown, maybe fluid, boundary.
This work in development is a response to the environment and mindfulness, and the freedom of only printing a handful of pieces, directly responding to drawing en plein air, in all weathers. It creates its own rhythm- slow observation, fast drawing, slow cutting, fast printing.
Messy and imperfect, 'flash landscapes', capturing the observed on the same day, created as soon as I arrive back at the studio, push me to explore new ways of working, the edges of the prints themselves not defined, and I'm excited to see where they might take me next as I press on to further abstract the landscape.
Email me at catherinebowdlerprint@gmail.com
Follow me on Instagram @catherinebowdler